Thursday, June 6, 2019

June - A story a day

Ying knew she'd be late for her afternoon classes. Still, she liked hanging out with Yu and Chang who were both in a good mood, so she was too...until she met Cameron at the foot of the steps of the fashion school.

"Where have you been?" His festered frown made her feel all the tardier.

"Out-" She knew she should just zip it and follow her mentor inside. As it was he was driving her insane. Although, he kept telling her she was driving him insane.

Had she no sense of fashion? Evidently, he did.

Her grip tightened to the straps of her backpack as she followed him down the long hall to his workshop. He was here to help her with hands-on activities. As it was, she knew nothing about patterns and he challenged her daily to take apart clothes and put them back together. She needed to know how clothing worked. But she didn't have time for that.

1. She was homesick.
2. Cameron was driving her crazy with all his talk and fierce NO about anything she did.
3. She'd found Yu. Finally happiness had found her.
4. She evidently wasn't mature enough to be a real fashion designer.

Still he held her accountable. Cameron looked at her sketchbook closely. Naturally, he was closed lipped and didn't shed much emotion. And then he found a sketch of Yu.

"And who might this be?" He said he doubted it was from her imagination.

"Uh," a lump lodged in throat. Did she dare tell Cameron about Yu. What if Cameron fell in love with him? Or maybe Yu could help her out with Cameron.

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