Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Blue Hearts - Under his skin

 Oliver walked away. He hadn't had a cigarette all night which was a first. He never felt like smoking around Bex. Not many people had that sort of charm on him. Maybe if she were around more, he'd quit altogether. But within the block, he was lighting up on his walk home. Wondering what it would be like if by some chance.....

Forget it. He had to forget. It wasn't possible. She was pretty much a goner when it came to Dayton. True she did her best not to talk about him much when Oliver was around. But she'd been with him since high school. Two years even. Ouch.

Didn't she know this side of Dayton by now? Was she waiting for him to grow up?

Oliver smiled. "Not gonna happen," he said to himself. He reached for his cell then.

 Oliver knew pretty much what to do next. Call Nelson. Get the weed and maybe find his little hideout at the lake and stay to himself. Oh, he liked this side of himself. The side he kept perfectly hidden for the most part. Not that anybody would much care. But this was what he did when he wasn't at work. Wasn't talking to Bex or at home with his sister.

But first. He pushed his fingers down in the pocket of his jeans. He could feel the sheen of her undies pushed away in his pocket. Next time her bra. For real. Yeah, he wanted a matched set.

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