Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Stacy & Owen

 "God Damn you, Owen!" Stacey screeches once they get back to the truck. It won't be long til daylight and her stomach is hungry. She knows they have less that forty bucks. 

"What?" His dark eyes wince and for the first time she thinks Wylie Coyote might be his spirit animal.

"You'll be the death of me," she looks him in the eye as if it should be over. Completely. But she knows it won't be. She crawls up into the truck while he's waiting with the engine cranked, ready to go. 

Her legs feel weak. The heat is making her feel nasty. Just as she gets settled into the seat with the seatbelt clicked. "I gotta go pee."

"Are you shitt'n me?" Owen's eyes narrow. He's headed for the interstate. No doubt about it, they are leaving the country this time. Hell or high water. She knows that look. Stacy sighs. She remembers when she thought he was so cool. The things he could do to cars with his bare hands in that tiny gray jumpsuit of his. He even got her granny's car running for a little while so Stace could get down to the Thrift store.

"Stop," she insists, as her gut can't take it no more. "I think I need to poop."

Owen cracks up as his lips curve on the ends. He just keeps going, and with every bump they hit Stacey knows it might be the end of someone's precious life. They pass exits for gas stations, hotels, motels, even a rest stop, but her Owen is determined.

"Some father, you'll be," Stacy snaps, giving him a go-to-hell look.

"You wouldn't leave me," Owen's lips barely move. "You know you wouldn't."

It troubles her. She can't recall the last time he called her BABE. She has to think on this for a good long while. She sighs. She guessed he called her Babe back at Walmart. But she's still in a pout.

"Snake, You pull over right now!" She's got a new pet name for her boy. No more Honey, Love. Just Snake. She demands as her long arms have already undone the seat belt and the beep irritates Owen.

She feels herself practically coming undone. And to think he was going to be her Mick Jagger, and she was so excited thinking she was having Mick Jagger's baby. "You know I'm much more Harry Styles than Mick Jagger," he'd said then when she accidentally confided this when they first found out about the baby, but of course, they had a spat about that too. "You're no Harry Styles!" she'd told him then. Of course, she couldn't get that AS IT WAS song out of her head. Even now.

Finally, he eases over to the shoulder of the highway. She cracks open the door and asks for the toilet paper. Owen starts to act like she has to get it herself from the back seat, but finally, he gives in, seeing she means business about number two.

She heads for the tall grass and her gazelle limbs squat like she might be a squaw from another time as the sun rises. Stacey squints hard, praying she won't have the baby here in the prickly grass that's jabbing her tender butt. It feels quite ridiculous, but she thinks of all those women who came before her. They had nothing either. Yet, she doesn't like baring herself to nature this way. Finally, she lets go of what's been boiling inside her to happen. A brilliant idea comes to her. They need jobs. They need to find jobs as soon as possible.

She sighs, oh how she loves Owen, but she's feeling hate. She doesn't want that to happen because he's all she has. Stacy nurses her bottom lip. She's never gone on the side of road to relieve herself. Yes, she guesses she had a sheltered life after all.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

After a Long Night

 Oliver forgot about the lake. As soon as he got his baggie of substance, he returned to his room in the basement and put it with his other stash in his sock drawer.

He took out Bex's undies, smelled her scent for a good bit and stuck those in the sock drawer too.

Oliver didn't want to think about what Bex was doing with Dayton right now. Probably the unthinkable. Although, he couldn't stop thinking it. He just wished it was him instead of Dayton with Bex.

He knew Bex would think the worst of him if she knew about the underwear. Well, it was just a small memento for a very long night.

Oliver had spent the first part of it rearranging furniture. Then they watched Nowhere which was awful depressing and hilarious at the same time. Then they watched A very long Engagement in French. Hopefully, they guessed right about the ending. "Next time we'll watch it with the subtitles," she said. 

He would have watched it all over again if she'd wanted to right then. But they had a big gab about work. Who would be fired? How this clerk was treated or what the secretary did on her breaks. And did somebody really try to show him his butt out in the stacks?

 It went on and on. He knew everyone Bex hated at work. Who she trusted. Who she didn't.

 "Actually, I just trust you," He couldn't let go of her smile. And that's when he'd told her, "You are the only one." 

He had to think a moment. They were talking about trust, weren't they? God, he hoped he'd remember to finish that sentence. He squinted hard and hit his head against the cement wall next to his bed. Just not too hard because he knew how hard the wall was. It was a small relief to hit his head against something.

Now it stung him like a wasp. What he'd said. The thought that she knew what he really wanted. He hurried to light up. Something to forget the pain. Not think so much about the scars, or even her. He just wanted everything to be fuzzy. He freaking knew none of this would go away.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Fan living on a budget

 NYC is expensive to live as a student. How do you keep in budget and still have fun?

Oh, I have Ollie to the rescue. I mean, he's like something from a Charles Dickenson novel. I don't know how he gets by.

And yes, since I did use the gold card that was only for emergencies on our trip out of time, he has really been showing me the ropes as of late. 

First, he says to see what your Uni has to offer. We do have a meal ticket for breakfast and lunch. And even if I don't use mine for breakfast every day..he does. We share a lot of meals together. Maybe that's how he keeps his girlish figure. He also got me a pass for the train at a student discount. On one hand, it feels like a lot, but I save in the long run. Really, we are at our chummiest just sitting in the commons reading for our assignments. Although, he knows scads of thrifty places and as he says, he networks a lot.

Thus, we walk a lot, and we eat usually hot dogs since they are the cheapest and share drinks (Funny, we haven't been sick together once..but it's bound to happen). Oh, this boy knows a cheap date and I'm just there for the adventure because after all, I like his company and really I'm not expecting anything expensive out of him. We have even made it an event to do our laundry together.  Granted, some weeks he gives me laundry to do, but once a month we go to the laundry mat and get the sheets washed. I will confess I would not go there alone. That's why I'll do his laundry. I need a fresh boy.

He seems to know when we can get into the museum for free (a very early Sunday morning) but usually, we hang out at the library a lot and get to see some free art. We go to cheap foreign films which at one time I was told was a dollar but nowadays, five bucks and Ollie believes that's a steal.

When in doubt there is always rice and beans (which good ole' ollie calls the musical fruit). I haven't had much luck growing my own greens in potted soil, but I keep trying (I can get the seeds at Dollar Tree). I am really trying to be sufficient on my own and need the 'rents less. So we know that Wednesday is when two-buck bread is available at the nearest Dollar Tree. Occasionally, the roomies and I will get some goodies from there. But it's very tricky. I have liked the bottled coffees (which are plain and have no sugar), some espresso to mix with the ground coffee which I already have for my pour-over in my room and the tea is sufficient but it makes me want EARL GREY even more!  Popcorn, tuna, pasta, canned veg..even bottled asparagus, and spaghetti sauce are other great finds. Really, this store can surprise me sometimes...but you have to be careful. And it's always great to get the roomies' advice. Always a good thing to have bread and peanut butter in my room.

At times, we have gone in on fruits and veg and sometimes even meat. Usually, it's ground meat, but most of us are possibly vegetarians. Of course, you might see us chowing down on chili or somebody's magical burritos when given a chance.



Make a mix of Betty Crocker Chocolate chip cookies. Spread in an 8X8 pan with a little oil on the bottom. Next make the brownie batter from a Betty Crocker packet and spread over the chocolate chip batter. Bake at 375-350 degrees for about 25 minutes. It's a sweet treat!

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Music festival diaries

Name: Zoe Henderson Nicknames: Zee, Z-girl Age: 20 Relationship Status: Single Sexual Orientation: bi Pronouns: she/her/they/them Hometown: San Marcus, Texas Faceclaim: Sadie Sink Stage Name: Zoe What kind of music do you perform?: Indie mostly, but I have played country How long have you been performing?: 6 years Bio: I started singing in church when I was practically a baby. My mom played piano so she started me, but mostly it's by ear. Later, I learned from a friend to play guitar. I'm from a college party town that's just a short distance from Austin. I was mostly raised on a ranch but was never fond of the honky tonk stuff my gramps would play. His brother on the other hand was a total ROCK kind of guy who liked KISS and Quiet Riot so I have listened to a good bit of rock more than country. While I was in high school, I got on at a radio station and it was more like fooling around than anything else. I met some musicians that way, but nobody really famous. Well, that guy PLAY RADIO PLAY I met once in the parking lot after the show and he played acoustic instead of electronic. I just want to take a break from school. I hope I can interview some really great music artists this summer and maybe even get to jam with some of them.


"Are you ready for this?" Of course, Kye would ask. He'd just gotten here from Corpus where he lived most of the year around, but something got to him this year when he turned twenty-two. He called to tell me wasn't a kid anymore. Anyway, he said if I needed a lift, a place to stay, a bodyguard, and a promoter he was there for me.

Secretly, I'm pretty sure my mom talked him into it since she knew he always wanted me to marry him when he was six and I was four.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I smirked back. After all, we did our share of traveling together over the summers. He's more like a brother than anything. So my mom and dad both feel a little less burdened by me.

Let's just hope that old van of his makes it to Austin. Sure, it will be cramped quarters, but the bed is pretty sweet. Mostly, I've slept on it on the beach, and he's not too wild. OK, he occasionally talks in his sleep. But he watches way too many crime stories when he's not managing his mom's seafood cafe.

"Just one thing," I remembered as I was loading my gear which wasn't much. After all, he did have all the music equipment packed away.

"What?" He gave me the eye as if he already knew.

"Did you quit yet?" I knew he hadn't.

"I'm trying." He pulled up his tank and showed me the patches.

"You don't need that many to quit." I looked at him blankly thinking the fool must have been nicotine happy.

"Look, Z, I'm stressed. OK." Kye was in a pout as he crossed his arms.

"OK." I shrugged back and gave myself a good stretch. I was certain it wasn't going to be easy, but we both knew why we wanted to do this.

He got in the driver's side and got in the passenger side. After all, I had given Mom and Dad a hug and kiss or two (We had done this at least three times before I even got in the van along with a few extra homemade goodies.) I was determined to get out of there.

"You know, it's more than the music, don't you?" I looked over at him. Naturally, he was Mr. Stoic wishing for a cigarette but smacking on some nicotine gum.

"Those damn interviews," Kye shook his head. "Are you gonna write a book?"

"You don't know me at all," I fretted. "I got my podcasts, you know."

He nodded.

As I looked out the window watching the dirt fields in the distance, I knew I still needed him. I had no idea how to really set up a baseline. I looked back at Kye and smiled. Really, I was glad he liked my music.

Thursday, May 11, 2023


For part of roleplay group: Orchard street girls NYC roleplay. ... (Posts from oldest to newest on feed)

1. Last outing with Sean at the Cat Cafe. Seriously, he's like the cat whisper. He loves kittens.

#catwhisper #kittenlove

2. Finding cool places to try with Allie who knows her milk tea and other hidden gems near the Uni.

#yummifoods #milkteatime #bubbleteabest

3. Oh, and you thought I would be stuck in a book. Gotta have my Grannysquares. I find crocheting relaxing and of course, I found time for it on these hectic days at the Uni.

#crochetmeagrannysquare #crochetlove

4. It's definitely hoodie weather in NYC. I thought I might bundle up more, but since walking around so much I feel at my best in a hoodie on the go. Yeah, keeping it casual.


5. A quote I have been keeping. I dunno if I believe it quite yet. But it feels like a quote I need to remember.

#quotetime #soulsearching

6. Allie is always full of surprises. Really, a charmer, funny and I think should be on Broadway. I find her independence dazzling. Wish I had her charisma, but I'm still taking it all in at the Uni and the City.

#bestieoncampus #broadwayboundmaybe

7. Oh, our cozy bathroom! Of course, its been my roomies who make it cozy and fun. Lov'n the shower curtain!


8. Oh..this boy I know. Ollie is my campus mentor (✿◡‿◡). I dunno it hasn't been like a prince charming thing. He can be cranky sometimes. But when he smiles, oh its such a treat. I find myself watching him a lot. I am happy to hang out with him on campus. Of course, I am thankful to have the Sorority girls too. Yes, it's a nice balance of the day.

#friendsoncampus #smilesworthmorethanwords

9. Have I talked about my pillow love lately? I think not. Yes, it's building and I love it and I need it for a cozy bed. A girl needs her sleep. And I love the boho vibe.

#pillowlove #bohopillowtime.


"Oh, I don't know about this," I must have made a face of anguish. My stomach was already topsy-turvy. I couldn't even eat. I was spending the whole day with Ollie.

"Oh..come on, it'll be fun. A whole new way to experience New York," Onni smiled as she brought me a cup of tea.

I nursed my bottom lip. "I don't know if he even likes me."

"I can tell," she informed me as if she might be a fortune teller on the sly. I just laughed. Did I have to remind her he said I was the cutest little fairy he'd ever seen? I sighed and took a sip of the lemoned tea. Yes, it really hit the spot before you know who arrived.

Naturally, he did his greetings like a modern-day Peter Pan. I thought he might throw in a little Broadway production, but before I knew it we were out in the fall freshness of the day. He grabbed my hand as if we might be in a race to the subway. Although, it felt as if we bounced in unison all the way like our own happy dance.

"It's a full day, you know," Ollie reminded me as we got on the crowded subway to go into the interworkings of the hectic city. Even on a Saturday morning, it was thick with people and we were smashed together. Honestly, it felt horrifying. My heart was in full throttle, but he held me close as if he'd protect me. I looked up at him and could see his impish smile.

"We really are a good fit you know," he told me. My eyes opened wide. What was he getting at?

Of course, the library was the first on the list. It was so old yet well-kept as the books went on and on so magically.

"Really, there is more to life than books sitting on a shelf." He pointed out the art exhibit nearby.

Yes, another freebie, but I liked it as we strolled through the old paintings and heavenly statues on display. For a moment I felt he'd taken me to a hidden room, and it felt exciting as he held my hand and lead the way.

We took in a few old bookstores nearby too. For lunch, we ended up at Central Park. He said it was the place to try so many foods.

Of course, we started with hot dogs but the falafels kicked with spice. Yes, it was a beautiful day to be in my overalls and nifty sneakers because we did so much walking. Ollie surprised me, he did know the backstreets of this busy place. Yet, he knew the peaceful side too.

"How long have you been here?" I wanted to know.

"What?" he winced with a silly grin. "Are you doing a story on me now?" He wanted to know if was reporting back to that Sean fellow. I sat down next to him on the steps there at the park wanting to take a rest. Really, I could have fallen asleep on his shoulder in the sunshine.

"Did I bring him up?" Besides, I had my phone on silent. After all, this was our day. Ollie only smiled back at me.

"Um, I guess I got here when I was a youngster," he told me.

"A youngster?" I couldn't help but give him a sun wink. "You really aren't that old, you know."

"It feels like it sometimes," he looked to the gorgeous sky as if he'd lived a tale of some kind. Of course, he grabbed my hand as if we needed to march on to someplace else. Most of the places we went he knew the folks there, like at the costume shop and the old movie theater with the fresh popcorn. We settled down for some old Stooges films. I'd never seen them before, and I don't think I would have enjoyed them if I had seen them alone. After all, he fed me popcorn.

"Would you like to come to my place?" He asked afterward. It wasn't dark yet, but it would be evening soon. Finally, I was bold and said, "Sure."

Of course, he took me to yet another old theater. "I need to get ready for the magic show."

"What?" was I dreaming?

"Just one of my jobs," he shrugged as if he needed to get ready. He showed me where to freshen up and a place to sit in the theater. Luckily, I was full of popcorn, but someone brought me a Shirley Temple. So I waited, thinking I might take a nap. Those dramatic fuchsia curtains would not open. Just as I was about to nod off, Ollie came to my seat.

"I need you," he said.

"For what?" I was stumped. Of course, there was hardly a crowd.

"To be my assistant, of course." I cringed at the thought, but he found something beautiful for me to wear. The flowers were so nostalgic.

"It'll be fine," he insisted.

"But I don't know what to do." After all, there were the caged doves. I really wasn't a bird person.

"Relax." Oh, he was so gleeful. "You just need to be on stage. I'll do the rest."

It wasn't until I was there in the spotlight of all those old people, I realized the doves were the least of my worries. Ollie was going to cut me in two.


Writing prompt: Work life balance at uni. How do you fit studying around socialising? Where do you like to do assignments, e.g. library or in your room? What's your go to comfy study outfit? Ends 5th May

NGL I'm the biggest procrastinator of the world. Yes, part of it is that I'm waiting for inspiration to light my fire and in the end generally it's just my butt to get to the paper done. 

It's challenging to stay focused. I have probably always had a short attention span. So this means I have to take a lot of breaks. And sometimes, I lose track of time.

This means I probably bother people when I shouldn't. But it's always great to catch up with roomies and of course, get their take on studying habits too. Yes, there is an art to being alone, and its a journey getting to that place.

I used to think the library was the place to go to study like in all those wonderful Asian dramas I watch, but these days usually Ollie is there and I don't get much studying done. So it's best to find my mecca of studying in my own room. And yeah, I do that in bed and I'm in the comfiest of casual outfits.

Depending on the weather or my temperature, I could be in my cozy shorts and tank or maybe jogging pants and hoodie. Of course, I need pillows and then of course the snacks. I do my best to drink water and stay away from all the caffeine. But having an electric kettle is a plus for some mint tea if need be.

Recently, I  have been told I take my notes all wrong. I was shocked when Professor Dewey noticed my artwork after class.

"This won't do!" His harsh words didn't help matters. "Haven't you heard of the laptop?" He said I needed to type up the information and of course, less artwork.

"But," I squinted back. "The little details are there to help me to remember stuff." He shook his head like I might be a lost cause. 

"Have you ever studied the tool kit on WORLD CAT?" (the huge library database) Of course, it was news to me. Was that what everyone else was doing? Evidently so. Thankfully, he brought up the link on my laptop and reminded me what I needed to be doing.

"Biblio language is important, no matter what they say how the digital world is taking over. You'll need to know it." He left it at that as if it was my turn to make use of the information.

So I've been doing my best to stay in my room. I only have contact with my friend Sean from back home at five on a Sunday evening. I eat meals with my roomies to touch base.  And for Ollie, well, he is quite the distraction at the library. Even if he's not working he wants to hang-out as if we might make a date of it. So that's maybe a twice-a-week thing. And of course, I am staying out of social media for the most part. 

Yes, hitting the books can be stressful. There is also crochet and I do like my granny squares.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Girlfriend Tales ❤️ The Beachhouse

 Where does your story take place? Malibu

Why is the character at the Beachhouse? To get away from her humdrum grocery store job. What can you do at the Beachhouse? She's renting a room out. There will be other people who are sharing the beach house that she doesn't know. What places and things to do are close by? Visit L.A., theme parks, museums, surfing, wine tasting, music festivals, and food trucks.

Name: Rachel Livingston Age: 24 Relationship Status: Single Sexual Orientation: Straight Pronouns: she/her Hometown: Davenport, Iowa Faceclaim: Somebody from Forever 21 What are your character's likes and dislikes: She likes warm weather, laughter, fun in the sun, burgers, vanilla coke, and ice cream along with cats and dogs. She likes to be in a calm world. She dislikes confrontation, and people who put her down because she didn't finish at the University. Her mother, someone she just can't please. Her brother thinks she's going down the wrong path. What kind of career does the character have: Everyone thought she should be a preschool teacher in her family and she really isn't a daycare kind of person. She wants to travel, but ended up in the deli at the mega grocery store which lead to overseeing self-checkout and usually girl Friday for every department. She knows she can do more but hasn't found what she's looking for. Does the character have a pet? No & will the pet be with the character at the Beachhouse? Bio: Rachel feels most of her friends have moved on. It seems her dates just get younger every year she thinks she might be babysitting these days. She yearns to find what she really wants in life and she feels she needs to travel so when the chance came up to spend the summer at the beach from someone she used to know who doesn't want to give up the spot at the lakehouse, but just can't be there all summer... she decided to go for it. Of course, her family is certain she'll be back in two weeks, but she plans to find out what the west coast has to offer. They don't think she can be on her own since she's lived at home all her life.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

How We First Met - Girlfriend Tales

It was the summer of my Junior year when I visited my aunt in Paris. Of course, she's old and doesn't do anything much but stay in her Paris apartment. I on the other hand wanted to do more than find croissants and look at the Eiffel Tower. I wanted to experience the streets of jazz and maybe find some friends along the way.

Being on the old and thin back streets of Paris didn't feel possible. Oh, I am certain this was where fashion was happening. Even now, I found a bookstore instead, because for a moment there I felt as if I knew of those ghostly tales over the decades. Paris wasn't always a happy place.

However, it was French to me, the bookstore. Naturally, I ogled the beautiful pastries that were so intoxicating.

"You'd think it was a bakery," someone said behind me. I nodded. When I turned I saw that the girl was about my age with a sketch pad. She looked a little withered. But I didn't ask what she was up to. "Come on," she said to me. "I'll find us something cool to drink."

So I followed. I learned her name was Steph and she knew these streets quite well.

"I'm not really an artist yet, but maybe someday," Steph said she liked drawing the street life. "You know, real people."

Of course, I didn't know much about art other than a doodle here or there. She asked me what I liked to do and why I was there. I did my best to explain how I had had two years of French and was even in a French play where I played a French maid and got an award for my efforts back in Iowa. 

"But it hasn't done me much good here," I shrugged. My acting partner was a bit slow when he spoke French. To these Parisianers I must sound like a hick.

"I bet that fellow liked, you," Steph laughed at my stories about Dallas.

"I don't think so," I shook my head. "Besides I know him so well that I wouldn't dare date him."

Of course, she knew those guys where we were going. We even got a free treat and it was delightful. Perfect ice cream coffee on a warm afternoon. Steph was a traveler. She was fluent in French and Italian. 

We went thrifting afterward and the places she knew were so enchanting, like secret treasures in the city. Oh, if I could go back, I might buy more than a scarf now.  We never did get around to going out to listen to real French jazz. Maybe someday.

After all, we became penpals.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Orcchard Street Girls

 Orchard Street Girls Roleplay!

Orchard street girls group | URSTYLE 

Please join!


Name: Francine Jewel Park (Fan Park)

Nickname: Franny but sometimes Fan since it's easier for my adopted Mom to remember. Age:19 Birthday: August 27th Zodiac: Virgo Pronoun: she/her Sexuality: straight Model: Chuu or Chloe (a German/Korean model) From: Houston, Texas Heritage: Dad is Korean. My mom is Chinese (they are my adopted parents. Supposedly, my adopted mom knew my real mom in German). Lives: USA at college in NYC. Major: Engineering but I came to my senses and switched to Library Science. Year: 2nd Return or new pledge: new to sorority Likes: The library, crocheting, Japanese jazz, walks in the park and late at night (I might be a night owl) my friend Sean who's practically a big brother looking out for me, Spicey food, late-night snacks, offbeat people and guys in glasses. Oh, and the only Dad I know. Dislikes: Angry people, people who want to play me for a fool, my mother (on occasion), fancy dinners, high heels and computer glitches. Hobbies: Cosplay, crocheting, reading Wuxia novels and martial arts. Quirks/Mannerisms: Spacey, doesn't always listen, laughs on impulse for various reasons. Style: Frumpy I guess. Pretty ordinary although I adore a good cardigan, but I do have a little black dress when I need it. I prefer ballet shoes over high heels and of course Converse or Army boots. Social Media: (if they have any) Facebook (very rarely and usually its a foodie post). Personality: Calm for the most part, but sometimes I get excited during projects, and I can get frustrated. Although, it's better now after I changed my major. Sometimes, you just have to stand up for yourself, but I think I am a kind person. Family: Just me and that guy Sean who my Dad adores. Parents, Elenor (Jia) and Minho and my Nannie - Hannah. Relationship Status: single Bio: I was born in Paris. Although, I have never gone back even if it is a goal. I guess I could have, but I feel I have been always studying. Hannah has been my real family to me, and if I ever make it through the University and get a good job, I hope she will come and live with me. I feel I owe her. She has always been there for me. My parents have their own schedules. We do spend the holidays together. I admire my dad, but I dunno about that mom of mine. She knows how to spend money. I'm not sure she knows how to do anything else. And Sean that I met in Houston. His family knows my family. He seems to think I might not be up to no good. Honestly, he hoovers to much. But we are not dating.


As a college student do you miss anything from home? Are you homesick at all or feel more at home here? Share a day of how you try to overcome homesickness or how you embrace NYC if you are not homesick. 

I try not to think about it too much. But sometimes, late at night, you just can't help yourself. Especially, since I can't sleep. I want to sleep but find myself sucked into how things were. Honestly, it's a mix of emotions. I'm not sure I'm very lovable.

Really, I'm not that close to my family, anyway. I mean, they have their own lives and I have always felt they never really had time for me. After all, they are rich and have their own ways of keeping it that way. 

A Nanny raised me and yes, she is who I miss the most. I haven't seen her in years. It still makes me smile how she was there for me for the little things. It must have been torture having to put up with all my indifference and of course, I needed her every step of the way when we would craft. Oh, she's the one who taught me to crochet and she was the one who said, "Keep calm and crochet."

So if the going gets tough, I break out the yarn. Yes, I would love the wander the streets, but I feel at best being at home in my own space. There is therapy in keeping the room clean and having the ingenuity to see how things work. Or maybe it's the idea of keeping busy. As of late, it's so dreadful listening to the news about all the shootings happening. Just one more reason to stay in. 

And I don't want to bother people. Yes, there are times I feel the need to be there for friends, but sometimes, I find my own fun. Of course, they might think I've lost it completely. Especially, if they knew how many YouTube tutorials that I watch. Yet, I find it so interesting what others find to do. Some like to bake, some can paint and then there are those into their graphic art and finding laughter on how they put their Instagram account together. 

Recently, I rescued a Barbie from a thrift shop and customized her with Yarn Hair! Something about poking yarn into her empty head can be so soothing.

There are so many things one can do in their space.
1. Read a book.
2. Do situps and pushups..oh and how long can you plank?
3. Meditation can lead to naps.
4. Listen to Harry's House on piano.
5. Journaling. Yes, listen to yourself.

So maybe I could do these things any place. I get out enough with friends. Yes, it's good to be cautious in this hectic world.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

RP character

 Birthday: August 27th

Name: Fan Parker

Zodiac: Virgo

Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: straight

Model: Chuu or Chloe (a Korean/German model)

Major: Engineering

Year: 2nd but feels like the 1st due to the pandemic.

Returning or new pledge: New

Likes: Sunny days, a nice breeze, yet I enjoy rainy days too to with a good Laura Zigman book. I have been reading a few Lucy Score books, too. Boys in glasses, smarty pants, long movies with Pedro Pascal, Wuxia dramas, old couples at the park, kittens, and apples. Oh, and I love Ramen with egg, and bacon..occasionally.

Dislikes: Long-winded people, people with money, people who need money, politicians, old farts, brats, bratwurst, shots, infections, and bad boys who want to play me as a fool.

Hobbies: Journaling, making sock creatures, crocheting, reading and listening to Japanese jazz singer Fuji Kaze. I do run on occasion because that's about all the exercise I like and of course, long walks in the park.

Quirks/Mannerisms:  Winking when I don't mean to, struggling to find the right words on bad occasions. Making sound affects when I should just shut up. Looking innocent when I should probably run away.

Style: Jeans. Tops. Sometimes, I like for some to think I'm a ballerina, but really I'm a clutz and rarely ever wear high heels. I like the library look. I used to volunteer at the library, shelving books.

Social Media: (if they have any) Just Facebook.

Personality: Quiet, but ready for a riot. I like to dance in my room, jump on my bed, kisses in the rain(as if that would ever happen) I dunno. I know I'm not funny and yet I do funny things on occasion.

Family: I'm adopted. I really don't feel rich. I live with an old Dad and a young mom who is Chinese. She really wanted a kid and well, she wasn't going to have one. So you know, we get along. We spend the holidays together. I dunno if they really like me. I mean, my nanny has been the mom I've only needed and she's still hanging on, even if I've been away for a while, but sometimes, my adopted mom and the nanny have their spats. Although, my mom says they have been long-time friends. But let me tell you, the nanny has told me plenty about that woman.

Relationship Status: Single, but I gotta few mates who I keep in contact with.

Bio: What's to know? They call me Fan. Although, I was named Francine. Sometimes, they remind me I'm Franny. But it's just Fan. I love my dad. What an old coot. He likes to pay chess. I always let him win. I say I like a clean room, but I like it a little messy and lived in. Of course, there is always someone putting everything in it's proper place. I've spent the majority of my time in private schools. I  really wanted to go to public school. Somehow, I feel I have missed out. Yet, I have found ways to get out and be on my own. I've seen the nightlife of Paris and even New York City. I have always wanted to be a rebel, yet I never really rebelled. Of course, I have a few secrets I share with no one.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

BLUE HEARTS - Give & Take

 Bex hesitated for a moment. She closed her eyes, delicately. She supposed this was his something. She gave him a deep sigh.

"All right, I'm coming," Bex said.

Was he really that good? Really? Just expecting her to drop everything for him. She didn't want to think about it. She just did.

First, it was going through the motions. She undressed. He was lathering up in the shower. He gave her an impish grin when she got in. He lathered her up too. He let the wash sponge drop then and touched her sides and kissed her. Their wet skin touched, and his kisses knew what she liked. That was just it, he knew what she liked.

And she craved that about him. Bex wasn't strong enough to resist it. She always assumed he was more of a giver than a taker, but what if it was she who was doing all the giving, and she didn't even know it.

OK, by the time they got to the bed, she knew he was giving her what she'd hoped for as his lips kissed her belly and even lower, unlocking any apprehension she might have had before. It was so easy for him to nudge inside her, to excite her. Maybe she was just too easy she thought, maybe not, as she somehow succumbed to his mouth even the touch of his face next to her. And then when it turned into something so divine. A real orgasm. Her eyes suddenly went wide open.

What if I'm gay, she thought. Her skin pricked so and then he was ready for more. Shoving his hardself inside her. Making the bed even shake. Her head slid into the headboard.

"Ow." She let out a yelp.

Now the real games began. It was more like Twister the game sometimes, than real sex. Legs jumbled up. Strange positions, sitting up, looking at each other.

"What do you mean thats not comfortable?" He said.

"Well, its not."

"Just wait, you have to give it time."

"How much time?"

"I don't have a watch."

It was almost dark by the time it was over.

"You got any money for a pizza?" He then asked.

She just shrugged with her back turned to him still in bed, wrapped in the sheets. Bex was tired. Dayton dug into her wallet for some money.